Monday, May 7, 2012

Serious Freebies!!!!

So, remember earlier when I told y'all I was taking a designing class at SNP?  Well, it's now over and do we have a treat for you!  Each of us created a portion of a kit, and then our mentors QC'd them so all portions are the highest quality.  And now they are all available for you absolutely FREE!!  Now who doesn't love a free kit, let alone Eight?!?

Here's my portion- we did It's a Wonderful Life as our theme, so if you want a great kit to scrap families this kit is for you!  Click on my image to go to my download:

I also made a template, which is included in my download.
And click HERE to see all the other submissions- don't forget to leave them all love if you download their kits!
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  1. Brooke- I downloaded your darling kit! I still have no idea what I'm doing, but one of these days the stars will align, Zane will be home to babysit my kids, and I'm going to show up on your porch with my laptop and beg for help! You did such a great job on this! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! You're so sweet! Anytime you want to scrap, come on over! We're scrapping tomorrow at 11:30...

  2. I never received a reply to allow my resitration to work on your forum.

    1. I know Lori is working furiously to get all the registrations approved- apparently word spreads fast :0) Let me know if you don't get approved by tomorrow, and I'll shoot her an email to make sure you didn't fall through the cracks. Don't worry, they'll be available for 2 weeks so you still have time :0)
